
I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of British Columbia (UBC), where I’m working in the Dependable Systems Lab with Prof. Karthik Pattabiraman. My doctoral research centers on AI and computer systems, with a focus on safe autonomy. In particular, I develop techniques to safeguard autonomous systems against failures and security threats. My research results in methods that guarantee reliable operation of autonomous systems, even under the most challenging conditions.

I received my master’s degree from UBC in 2020 and my undergrad degree from Vellore Institute of Technology, India in 2016. Before joining UBC, I worked as a Research Engineer at IAIK, Graz University of Technology. In that role I contributed to CREDENTIAL EU Horizon 2020 Project. In the past I interned at Oracle Labs (2022), Institute of Infocomm Research, A*Star in Singapore (2016), Fraunhofer SIT in Germany (2015).

Awards and Honors

  • Rising Stars Award for research in cyber-physical systems [link] 2024
  • Academic excellence award from University of British Columbia (UBC) 2020-2024
  • Exemplary talk mentions @Usenix Enigma'2022 [link] 2024
  • Four year fellowship (4YF) from University of British Columbia (UBC) 2020
  • DAAD WISE fellowship 2015


  • Detection Is Not Enough: Attack Recovery for Safe and Robust Autonomous Robotic Vehicles
    [slides] [talk]
    Usenix Enigma 2022

Selected Publications

  • SpecGuard: Specification Aware Recovery for Robotic Autonomous Vehicles from Physical Attacks
    Pritam Dash , Ethan Chan, Karthik Pattabiraman
    [CCS'24] ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
    [PDF] [Code]
  • Diagnosis-guided Attack Recovery for Securing Robotic Vehicles from Sensor Deception Attacks
    Pritam Dash , Guanpeng Li, Mehdi Karimibiuki, Karthik Pattabiraman
    [AsiaCCS'24] ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security
    [PDF] [Code]
  • SwarmFuzz: Discovering GPS Spoofing Attacks in Drone Swarms
    Elaine Yao, Pritam Dash , Karthik Pattabiraman
    [DSN'23] IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
    [PDF] [Code]
  • Jujutsu: A Two-stage Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
    Zitao Chen, Pritam Dash , Karthik Pattabiraman
    [AsiaCCS'23] ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security
    [PDF] [Code]
  • PID-Piper: Recovering Robotic Vehicles from Physical Attacks
    Pritam Dash , Guanpeng Li, Zitao Chen, Mehdi Karimibiuki, Karthik Pattabiraman
    [DSN'21] IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
    [PDF] [Code]
    Best Paper Award